


财贸系列 Seminar 第6期

主题: The Impacts of GATT/WTO on Firm-level Trade Structure: 1978-2015

主讲人: 陈仁静(新加坡管理大学)


时间:2020年12月7日(周一)晚上 20:00

会议工具:腾讯(会议ID:444 184 597,会议密码:123456)



In this paper, we develop an estimation procedure to identify the partial (direct) effects of the GATT/WTO membership on variable and fixed trade costs, respectively. This procedure extends the techniques of Anderson and Van Wincoop (2003) on the structural relationship of multilateral resistance terms and of Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (2008) on the structural modeling of trade incidence. We then develop a general equilibrium framework (that allows for the presence of zero trade) to simulate the impact of variable, fixed, and total trade cost changes on the firm-level trade structure (including the bilateral export productivity cutoff, the weighted/unweighted extensive margin of export, the intensive margin, and the mass of active firms), the bilateral trade flow, and the aggregate welfare due to the GATT/WTO system (given the trade cost effects estimated in the first stage) for the period 1978-2015.



陈仁静,新加坡管理大学beat365官方入口博士研究生(Job Market Candidate 2020-2021),主要研究领域为国际贸易学。

